The Father’s Day weekend is now upon us. If nothing else is associated with that, then at the very least it signifies summer and all the things that we love about the season. Certainly the sartorial splendor of elegant ladies and gentlemen in their “summer whites” cavorting about in a splendidly lit setting is an image that Hollywood has painted in our minds. But for today, let’s imagine summer white marble as a design staple for this or any season.
White is a classic color in design circles that never goes out of fashion or style. While other colors will inevitably come and go, white is forever and a day a hot trend. This is even more true in the heat of summer. With that said from a global fashion view, white marbles, especially elegantly polished and softly releflective stones, are as classic as it gets.
Marble Systems understands and appreciates the value of white marbles. As you can see in the wonderfully evocative image above, the Aspen White Polished Collection perfectly fits the design criteria for a fresh white stone. This collection is available in a variety of sizes, plus mosaics and an interesting subway tile interpretation. You can download more on this materials here.
As always, thanks for reading and enjoy Father’s Day!