As the calendar begins its annual cycle of renewal, our thoughts turn to a few stone and tile trends that we believe will continue to be as relevant in 2018 as they were in 2017. There is no question that elongated tile shapes is one of them. The typical 4″ x 8″ paver shape and its cousin the 3″ x 6″ subway tile will always have their respective place as symmetrical rectangles. Now, let’s take a peek at what elongating the greater dimension in the geometry can add to a design plan.
Earlier this year Elle Decor gave us a few thoughts that we believe will remain germane as the New Year makes its entrance. Firstly, there was this suggestion regarding 2017:“if the honeycomb tile trend is any proof, this year will be all about atypical tile shapes. Instead of the classic subway tile, this year, long and narrow tile will appear in bathrooms as a sleek alternative”. At the top of this post, is a perfect example of “long and narrow”. This image is a “sneak peek” from our Peltro Marble Collection in the unique Renaissance finish.
Another thought from Elle Decor was: “gone are the days of tile floors blending into the background of a room. In 2017, you’ll see the reemergence of patterned tiles, perhaps reflective of this year’s renewed focus on artisanship and craftsmanship”. In our experience, there are really two things here. One is “pattern” where each individual tile has a pattern in and of itself. Two is where “pattern” is created by the shape of the tile plus clever installation thought. The second idea is exemplified above in an image from our Skyline Marble Collection, again in the Renaissance finish. Please note the clear directional aspect that the patterning has also formed, thus giving the design team another tool in their arsenal. A few more random patterning ideas are below.
Elongated tile shapes add a level of versatility that is limited only by the creative input that is supplied. Naturally, we feel that our Marble Systems clients have boundless levels of creative capacity. Check out our locations here and thanks for reading.