Marble vs Granite? Which is better? Is marble or granite more expensive? What is the difference between granite and marble? Is marble a good countertop? The list of questions can be longer. You can wonder about their value as countertop materials. First of all, both natural stones have heat resistance and come in a variety of colors. Let’s have a closer look to find the right answer.
Marble vs. Granite?
We here at Marble Systems are asked many, many, times what is “better”? Marble or granite? The answer to that question needs some discussion. Just for now, we will focus on residential usage. A good starting point is with the geology. Granite is an igneous stone that was created by the cooling of molten materials under the Earth’s surface.

On the other hand, marble is known as a metamorphic stone formed by the changes that take place under the pressure of igneous and sedimentary rock. A rule of thumb is that granite is usually harder and denser than marble. However, that does not make one better than the other in a residential application. It really all depends on the user’s goals!
It is quite easy and very understandable to talk about these two materials in a logical manner based on how they are to be used. So let’s stroll through the home.
Granite vs. Marble: Pros and Cons
Floor Covering
Residentially, marble is found more often as a floor covering than granite. Marble is a little less stark than granite and its natural veining is appealing and warm. Most residential design ideas can be achieved by making selections from a palette of marbles.
A granite floor may appear to be a little too utilitarian in the home. However, a few words of caution on marble as your home flooring. What the end-user thinks the floor will look like in place is of paramount importance. They must understand the movement, veining and color ranges that this natural product will exhibit.
Also, a marble floor is not maintenance-free. Nor is it maintenance intensive. As with so many things in life, the work required to keep up your marble floor falls somewhere in between. The buyer should be shown range samples and lots of indicative images prior to final selection.
Granite vs Marble Countertops
To start with, there are great differences between kitchen countertops and bath vanity tops. Usually, granite is the better selection for the kitchen due to its greater density. However, granite is not totally stain resistant.
The lighter granite tones can show stains when “attacked” by things such as wine and ketchup. Marble is less often found in the kitchen, but can still do well there given certain conditions. For example, you may have a situation where the kitchen is lightly used and the top is not a real “working” surface.
In the bath vanity arena marble is more likely to be found than granite. This is a less demanding space from a technical standpoint. There is also a great range of very fashion-friendly colors that can make the work of the design team all the easier.
Marble vs Granite as Wall Tiles
Residentially speaking, marble is much more common than granite as a wall covering. In particular, marble is a great selection for bathroom walls. As mentioned above in regards to marble flooring, the design tableau that marble offers is hard to beat.
Again, the end-user must understand how the product will appear visually when all is said and done. Also, be very cognizant of the waterproofing requirements that are a necessity on a bath area wet wall. However, moisture control is critical no matter what the stone selection is.
Marble vs Granite Price
From a price point of view, you can find tons of different options. Whether it is marble or granite, the price of these natural will be highly dependent on the material quality. There are different quarries throughout the world which produces marble and or granite. But the outcome of these mines are not always the same. Instead of comparing these two beautiful earthy gifts, you should check their price levels individually.
There might be some granites that are expensive than a specific marble type or vice versa. This doesn’t make marble or granite expensive or cheaper than one another in general.
In summation, what is right for you, marble or granite, is up to you! Only you can determine your design desires, your maintenance tolerance, and your fashion sensibilities! Why not reach out to an expert?
At Marble Systems we offer many different options in both marble and granite. Therefore, we feel highly qualified to offer you a selection solution. By now, you must understand that the topic of this blog post and the question it poses are not easily resolved in this article. Marble or granite is too subjective a question. We have many seasoned professionals in our showrooms. Stop by, call in, or email us for the specific advice that will help you to make the best decision for you!
Final thoughts on Marble vs Granite
While you are looking for some answers, why don’t you check some of our products?
At Marble Systems, we have a vast collection of granite slabs. Considering home improvement, it is often the first kitchen that comes to mind. A key use of granite slabs is in the production of kitchen countertops where their durability and beauty make them ideal.
Granite countertops are an igneous natural stone that was created by the cooling of molten materials under the Earth’s surface. Due to its impressive strength, granite countertops is commonly known for its durability to wear and tears. In its natural beauty form, granite is one of most non-absorbent, stain-resistant, and scratch-resistant material. Granite countertops are affordable and offer a wide range of color options and patterns.
When it comes to marble, we have an exquisite selection, tons of beautiful, award-winning collections. There are also lots of beautiful slabs. If you are considering to buy granite or marble slab for making a kitchen countertop or bathroom vanity top, you are at the right address.
If you are looking for an exquisite selection of marble tile collections; check out these ones.